1. The President called out the critics and refuted their comments on the war.
2. He detailed the successes in the war, and he talked about the challenges.
3. He talked about energy independence, and what we need to do to achieve it.
4. I am really glad to hear him talk about science education. My degree is in geology (which was what I did as a profession for a number of years) and I really think this effort he is proposing is long overdue.
5. Great, inspiring finish to the speech.
I am sure there were lots more points (taxes, Patriot Act renewal, use of NSA) but these were the ones that stuck out in my mind.
Even Sen. Specter commented on how "upbeat" the President was. The best thing for me is that the entire country got to see what we see here every day - that the President IS upbeat, positive, energetic, and focused on trying to guide our nation through the perils of our time - despite the terrible and desperate attempts by the leftists, the communists, the socialists, the Islamist fanatics, and all the associated hangers on - tearing down him and working with all they are worth to tear down this country. I don't see how he carries on with the upbeat positive focus he has. I was most glad for the world to see him tonight - showing what is best about America.