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(This is a twice weekly column written by Conor Friedersdorf, who is managing the Daily Bulletin's blog, or special Web site, on immigration issues. The blog is designed to provide a forum for opinions and information on immigration. The blog is at
1 posted on 01/29/2006 11:27:25 AM PST by NormsRevenge
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To: NormsRevenge; HiJinx; SwinneySwitch


2 posted on 01/29/2006 11:30:31 AM PST by Fiddlstix (Tagline Repair Service. Let us fix those broken Taglines. Inquire within(Presented by TagLines R US))
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To: NormsRevenge
Send this to your friends to give to their illegals: Una letra abierta a los inmigrantes ilegales ^ | el 29 de enero de 2006 | Doug Giles

Si fuera un mexicano pegado en México, I, asiría también un jarro de aqua, rellena los fistfuls de las tortillas en un bandana, entonces ata que knap el saco sobre el extremo de un palillo largo y comienzan mi a slog al norte para la tierra prometida.

¿Cuál sería el análisis razonado para mi éxodo de la tierra de Santa Ana? Bien, una razón grande es la oportunidad cero en México. El futuro económico de México es alrededor tan brillante como carrera el cantar de Leif Garrett.

Estoy hablando allí soy nada para el José medio. Mire, zorro de Vicente puede emplear solamente fuera de tan muchos muchachos de la piscina, chefs, conductores, criadas, fabricantes migratorios del mapa y amantes.

Para el resto de la mano de obra nacional. . . bien, usted es bonito mucho solenoide: seguro-outta-suerte.

Eclipsando el desastre económico sea dos otras razones por las que, si fuera una vida mexicana en México, estaría poniendo el sierra Madres en mi espejo del rearview y estaría dirigiendo hacia Marfa: a saber, Telemundo y Univision.

Sí, si ésos fueran los únicos dos canales podría mirar en mi Philco negro y blanco después de que un día 16-hour de los mangos de la cosecha en el intercambio para dos pollos, caminara a través del desierto para los centenares de las millas, banditos valientes, comiera los sapos córneos, fango de la bebida, cociera al horno en el sol, nadara la Río Grande, acabo de escalo las montañas de la curva y los pumas grandes de la lucha para conseguir lejos de esa hospitalidad pegajosa y para conseguir aquí a los estados donde podría gozar de noticias del zorro y de OLN.

Por lo tanto, como conservadores compasivos, tenemos cortar a estos individuos una cierta holgura. , desearíamos también fuera del plátano de la república de un. tan disfuncional \

Ahora, diciendo eso, déjeme dirigirse a los amigos de la milla que desean moverse en nuestra Tierra-O-Abundancia asombrosa: ¿Usted importaría el immigrating legalmente e inglés que aprende?

Porque, usted ve, nuestros ciudadanos legales están consiguiendo alimentaron cada vez más para arriba con sus sueños criminales de la relocalización. Eso correcto.

Nuestros compinches americanos en las fronteras del Arizona, de California, de New México y de Tejas son especialmente enfermos de. . . ¿? Tener su tierra trashed como un cuarto del hotel después de que el equipo motley pasara el fin de semana allí. [ una reservación india toma basura por una suma de seis toneladas al día.

¿Usted pararía por favor eso? Es grosero, y está amenazando la existencia de cierto lagarto y del antílope de Sonoran Pronghorn. Gracias. ] ¿? ¿Teniendo sus ranchos el cercar cortado rutinariamente y vandalized.?

¿Teniendo que tomar sus botellas de la píldora, agujas usadas y jeringuillas?

¿Teniendo que encontrar el restos comido mitad de sus animales domésticos se fue a partir del uno de sus Bbq improvisados?

¿Teniendo sus hogares robó?

¿Tener sus hijas violó? ¿Haciendo sus vehículos robar?

¿Tener su plomada del valor de característica?

¿Teniendo sus calles calmantes haga inseguro requiriendo a sus niños ser colocado bajo llave y candado después de puesta del sol? Teniendo que tomar y desechar las mantas y la literatura musulmanas del rezo castigó sobre el lugar.

[ BTW. . . ¿cuándo así que mucho el mexicano católico convirtió al Islam? No conseguí ese escrito. Usted explicaría eso a mí? ]

¿? Teniendo la tarea ardua y desagradable de raspar las heces humanas de sus céspedes delanteros en la mañana. Llame nos los americanos fastidiosos, pero nos ningún likey el ya mencionado; y el antedicho no nos está haciendo llevar un brillo sus deseos de restablecer aquí. Déjeme ayudar a inmigrantes mexicanos supuestos a entender exactamente de adonde estamos viniendo.

La clemencia de nuestra nación con respecto a la inmigración se ha utilizado como palillo de la noche al whup nuestro propio extremo. La franqueza compasiva de nuestra nación, más la incompetencia corrupta del INS anterior, más la avaricia de nuestro gobierno para el capital extranjero igualó una estera agradable rodada-hacia fuera para los terroristas de 9/11 y otros ladrones y gamberros que miraban para utilizarnos mientras que procuraron destruirnos. Excúsenos tan, favor del por, si no nos parecemos demasiado vertiginosos sobre la recepción de nuevas huéspedes en nuestro hogar; somos limpieza inmóvil para arriba después las pasadas que intentaron destruir el lugar.

Mire, si usted desea venir aquí y visita, trabajo o vivir posiblemente en los E.E.U.U. de A, usted debe entender que es un privilegio. Esté muy claro en un hecho: un correcto. No tenemos que hacer cualquier cosa.

Además, deseamos a gente que sueña el sueño americano [ de nuevo, en inglés ], que anhela lo que anhelamos y que nos acercará respetuosamente, legalmente y. . . si usted no importa terrible. . . pardon mi redundancia, en inglés. Y consiga este recto: nuestra demanda para una frontera más rigurosa tiene nada-nothing!-a hace con xenofobia. Algo, se arraiga en un amor para nuestro país. Tenemos gusto de ella aquí. La vemos como un privilegio y honor de vivir aquí. Y deseamos cerciorarnos de que al dejar otros nos ensamblen en este privilegio y honor, nosotros estamos recompensando el creíbles quiénes han esperado, no el criminal que ha manipulado. Así pues, mi consejo es immigrate correctamente. . . derecho. . . y si usted elige no a -don't piénselo unkind si usted consigue sacudido en la su derecha de la cabeza de nuevo a donde usted vino.

Read the post in english here:

3 posted on 01/29/2006 11:36:34 AM PST by axes_of_weezles
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To: NormsRevenge
If I were a Mexican stuck in Mexico, I, too, would grab a jug of aqua, stuff fistfuls of tortillas into a bandana, then tie that knap sack onto the end of a long stick and start my slog north for the Promised Land.

What would be the rationale for my exodus from Santa Ana land? Well, one big reason is the zero opportunity in Mexico. Mexico’s economic future is about as bright as Leif Garrett’s singing career. I’m talking there is nada for the average José. Look, Vicente Fox can only hire out so many pool boys, chefs, drivers, maids, migrant map makers and mistresses. For the rest of the national workforce . . . well, you’re pretty much SOL: sure-outta-luck.

Eclipsing the economic disaster are two other reasons why, if I were a Mexican living in Mexico, I’d be putting the Sierra Madres in my rearview mirror and heading for Marfa: namely, Telemundo and Univision. Yes, if those were the only two channels I could watch on my black and white Philco after a 16-hour day of picking mangos in exchange for two chickens, I would walk through the desert for hundreds of miles, brave banditos, eat horny toads, drink mud, bake in the sun, swim the Rio Grande, scale the Big Bend mountains and wrestle pumas just to get away from that tacky entertainment and to get here to the States where I could enjoy Fox News and OLN. Therefore, as compassionate conservatives, we’ve got to cut these guys some slack. We, too, would want out of such a dysfunctional banana republic.\

Now, having said that, let me address mi amigos that want to move into our amazing Land-O-Plenty: Would you mind immigrating legally and learning English? Because, you see, our legal citizens are getting increasingly fed up with your criminal relocation dreams. That’s right. Our American buddies on the Arizona, California, New Mexico and Texas borders are especially sick of . . .

• Having their land trashed like a hotel room after Motley Crew spent the weekend there. [One Indian Reservation picks up trash to the tune of six tons a day. Would you please stop that? It’s rude, and it’s threatening the existence of a certain lizard and the Sonoran Pronghorn antelope. Thanks.]

• Having their ranches’ fencing routinely cut and vandalized. • Having to pick up your pill bottles, used needles and syringes. • Having to find the half eaten remains of their pets left from one of your impromptu BBQ’s. • Having their homes burglarized. • Having their daughters raped. • Having their vehicles stolen. • Having their property value plummet. • Having their sedate streets become unsafe requiring their children to be placed under lock and key after sunset. • Having to pick up and discard Muslim prayer rugs and literature strafed about the place. [BTW . . . when did so many Catholic Mexicans convert to Islam? I didn’t get that brief. Would you explain that to me?] • Having the arduous and unpleasant chore of scraping human feces off their front lawns in the morning.

Call us Americans fastidious, but we no likey the aforementioned; and the above is not causing us to take a shining to your desires to resettle here.

Let me help would-be Mexican immigrants understand exactly where we’re coming from. Our nation’s leniency regarding immigration has been used as a night stick to whup our own butt. Our nation’s compassionate openness, plus the corrupt incompetence of the former INS, plus our government’s greed for foreign capital equaled a rolled-out welcome mat for the 9/11 terrorists and other thieves and thugs who looked to use us while they attempted to destroy us. So excuse us, por favor, if we don’t seem too giddy about receiving new guests into our home; we’re still cleaning up after the last ones who tried to destroy the place.

Look, if you want to come here and visit, work or possibly live in the US of A, you must understand that it is a privilege. Be very clear on one fact: it is NOT a right. We don’t have to do anything.

In addition, we want people who dream the American dream [once again, in English], who crave what we crave and who will approach us respectfully, legally and . . . if you don’t mind terribly . . . pardon my redundancy, in English. And get this straight: our demand for a more stringent border has nothing—nothing!—to do with xenophobia. Rather, it is rooted in a love for our country. We like it here. We see it as a privilege and an honor to live here. And we want to make sure that when letting others join us in this privilege and honor, we are rewarding the credible who have waited, not the criminal who has manipulated. So, my advice is to immigrate correctly . . . do it right . . . and if you choose not to—don’t think it unkind if you get tossed on your head right back to where you came from.

4 posted on 01/29/2006 11:38:21 AM PST by axes_of_weezles
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To: NormsRevenge
As I replied on Conor's blog when he posted this article a few days ago he could have saved himself a lot of verbiabge if he had simply said, "Family values don't stop at the Rio Grande". Most of his article is just a bunch of moral platitudes that justify policies that he admits hurt Americans.

Conor wants to extend charity to the world's poor and miserable. That's fine. Make a donation. But I don't share his concerns and should not be taxed to subsidize them.

Our immigration policies should be about what is good for Americans. We should be particularly careful that they don't damage the poor and the middle class.

All of the above said, Conor is among the most reasonable and thoughtful of the mass immigration advocates. At least for him in goes a little beyond just having an infinite supply of cheap labor and damn the consequences.

5 posted on 01/29/2006 11:44:51 AM PST by jackbenimble (Import the third world, become the third world)
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To: NormsRevenge
Enough is enough. At what point will we determine this country is crowded enough? When we're packed in like sardines like in India. I say halt ALL immigration for 5 years and then reassess.
6 posted on 01/29/2006 11:46:25 AM PST by DogBarkTree (The higher the monkey climbs the flag pole, the more people can see his @$$h0!e)
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To: gubamyster


7 posted on 01/29/2006 11:58:41 AM PST by DumpsterDiver
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To: NormsRevenge

9 posted on 01/29/2006 12:06:08 PM PST by Travis McGee (--- ---)
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To: NormsRevenge
Significant benefits accrue to countries that successfully assimilate large numbers of immigrants.

A fine example of tautology masquerading as argument. Okay. Great. If assimilation is successful then those benefits (which Mr. Friedersdorf doesn't specify) just accrue like mad. But what if the large numbers of immigrants don't assimilate successfully? And who decides whether the assimilation was successful or not? The same people who will toss out accusations of racist and xenophobe to avoid any discussion.

10 posted on 01/29/2006 12:24:34 PM PST by Plutarch
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To: 1_Inch_Group; 2sheep; 2Trievers; 3AngelaD; 4Freedom; 4ourprogeny; 7.62 x 51mm; A CA Guy; ...


24 posted on 01/29/2006 7:23:40 PM PST by gubamyster
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To: NormsRevenge
The truism that we're ‘‘a nation of immigrants''...

Just once I'd like for one of these writers to tell us except for Africa where it's believed humans originated what country isn't a nation of immigrants? Unless we're expected to believe the Chinese, the Mexicans, the Cubans and everyone else magically popped up out of the ground then I'd say all of them are. So why isn't anyone else morally obligated to take in a million a year and another million illegals?

26 posted on 01/29/2006 7:35:52 PM PST by Reaganwuzthebest
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