I don't understand why South Korea rose from the ashes of the Korean Conflict to become an industrial and economic powerhouse...
While Mexico with all its oil wealth and resources remains a piece of dog????
Hey, looking around this neighborhood, THEY'RE HERE ANYWAY!
Every now and then there's an article in the local paper about how 50% of the Koreans around here are illegal aliens.
One word: Culture
Because all of South of the border countries still have the Conquistador attitude - grab everything in sight and crush those who are weaker than you.
That was the conclusion I came to when a rent-a-rig oil company sent me to Venezuela in the 80s. The gap betwen the haves and have-nots was enormous, as expected, but what got me was that the rich, not content with what they had, always ground down the campesino even further every time they could. No wonder the Communists make such inroads.