Lifeguards are responsible for what folks are doing around the pool as well as in the pool. That's why they are always looking around for children running or horsing around. They are the ones who have to enforce all the rules. If the lifeguards find breastfeeding moms distracting, then the moms must go. Just like disruptive children must go. The swimming pool is for swimming. If moms want to nurse by the pool, then they'll have to get their own pool. Or maybe they will persuade the folks running the Ann Arbor YMCA to fire the distracted lifeguards and allow the moms to nurse by the pool. I don't understand why they can't leave the pool area for ten minutes to take care of business. If they have other children at the pool, then they can take their children with them. Or they can plan on feeding baby before they go swimming and again two or so hours later. Do they not leave the pool for their other children to potty???
Is it just me or does anyone else find it difficult to believe that lifeguards are more distracted by recently pregnant 30 somethings than they are by hot little teenaged chicks running around in bikinis? Does anyone here really believe this claptrap?