Nelson (FL) thinks he has his re-election bagged, even voting no. I wouldn't make that wager, but he has.
Timmy had the election stolen from Thune by Dashle. Thune came back and took out Daschle, on the issue of judges. Aided by conservatives across the nation, and against a Fraud machine and special late night hearing where a Judge tried to steal that election for daschle and was stopped because people were using Blacberry's to report what was happening inside against the judges knowledge.
Someone asked why they keep electing Democrats in these states. because they are a small state, dasche was the Majority leader, and he got them plenty of pork. They made a sacrifice by giving that up for Thune and wouldn't have done so except for this issue...maybe WOT.
Johnson more than anyone should appreciate that lesson. They didn't just toss for a "conservative" or a "Republican", they tossed daschle on a specific issue. This issue. If he ignores that, he presumes himself to be of more worth to the people of North Dakota then a Minority Leader that had years of pork alloted for them. Uh-uh.
Any "red" or maginal swing stater that is seen as an enemy to the placement of judges the public's WANTS, in a majority of states, will face possibility of punishment. Some are arrogant like nelson (FL) and flipped their finger. Johnson apparently is a little smarter.
"Nelson (FL) thinks he has his re-election bagged, even voting no."
We have Katherine Harris to thank for that. She insists on running even though she trails by wide margins while lesser-known conservatives poll more strongly.