I have heard many of these illegal aliens are constipated -
A sensitive humanitarian gesture would be to add prune juice & Ex-Lax to those water tanks -
That should help them "go" across the desert -
Only a few would be needed to add confidence to "travelers" who could play "pot-luck" at each wate tank
Then again - perhaps some corn mash, mo-lasses, & sugar added to those thanks would provide some nutrition and a happy feeling of "wellness" -
Any cattle or coyotes would love the liquid refreshment -
I'm sure the BATF would then be glad to help them (and the US pro-illegal alien groups) to good shelters -
An elegant solution for all involved.....
Now let's see......
What were those harmless chemicals we used to add to liquids that turned urine blue?
Then a few days later we added something that turned it red......
If on any private property I would think a border area rancher/farmer/sportsman would enjoy giving his cattle, horses, and wild game an interesting, harmless, and colorful diversion.....
Land owners could even set up "water tanks" for their cattle, horses, wild game (I love wild animals - often with a fine adult beverage) on their own private property using the same "template/designs" already provided by those pro-illegal alien groups
Add a bit of "mo-lasses" & sugar for nutrition
PETA & ALF would approve I am sure
Actually our Brahma steers in South Florida loved a mixture of mo-lasses and water - It satisfied their thirst and gave them needed nutrition....
.... and it fattened them up for the biggest day of their lives
Our area County Agent was impressed that my brother and I were raising and feeding out cattle for (private freezer $ale$) while in HS/FFA (college money) - while the wealthy big area ranchers (Hawkins, Lyons, Blount, etc.) close to our land could hardly keep their cattle on pasture grass and some dry feed.
My older brother was the one who figured out the multi-feed formulas - always mixed by hand daily with more molasses - a gooey chore to be sure!
Citrus pulp, beet pulp; corn, oats, millet, cottonseed meal, mo-lasses, etc. -
A "prime solution" indeed -
I get real worried when one of my cars has a anti-freeze leak because they tell me it tastes real sweet to animals.