I agree with this article, but I have to say a word in favor of "Will and Grace".
We can be against laws legalizing gay marriage (which I am), and against promoting a gay agenda in schools (which I am), and against giving gays special "minority protection" as if they were a race or religion (which I am), and still recognize that gays do exist, and will always exist and that they are a part of our society.
"Will and Grace" might have an agenda to make gays acceptable or "endearing", but I believe (from the ten times I've seen the show) that the agenda is subservient to the story.
The show has good stories, believable and original characters and is funny. It's a comedy first, an agenda second. And it is set in NYC (isn't it?). I mean really, amusing tales about gays in NY, there's nothing phoney about that. Life does, after all, happen.
Anyway, my point is that I would definitely not put "Will and Grace" in the same category as the two "presidential dramas" which so miss the point of what politics and the presidency is all about that they might have been written for some race of methane-breathers on Neptune.
..they are just super slick at presenting it in an almost innocuous & certainly comedic manner....(that's the most dangerous kind, cause you don't see it coming!)
...their propaganda just slides right into the psyche ...
I've caught a few epidsodes in reruns...
...slick, polished, beautiful people, all the funny lines you can want...
..but nothing of what happens to those beautiful bodies after multiple sex partners...his and hers...
...of sexually transmitted diseases....
..of indoctrination to young boys and girls who wonder if it's fun to experiment...
...of AIDS!
Propaganda in its highest form.....The Third Reich would have been proud.
Absent your dissent on "Will and Grace" you just described the article and Linda Chavez's point. They, Hollywood, get so lost in their propaganda that the story suffers and they lose their audience.
Alternate title - "Grace and the Happy Homos".
Pretty much.
CBS had a TV show about the supreme court, where James Garner (of all people) was supposed to be a conservative.
He admitted that the show kept drifting further and further left, and his "conservative" character, in only a few episodes had become pretty much a full scale liberal.
He wasn't surprised when the show got cancelled, as it had stopped being everything it had intended to be.