Maybe I did miss the point. So I'll just say this. I think that people should be able to serve, regardless of their sexual orientation. My husband disagrees.
'Maybe it is a man thing. Because if you are secure in your masculinity, why is it so threatening to be ogled by another dude? Its not going to cause you to turn (like some kind of vampire).'
So that is your man's problem? Or are you trolling?
'I think that people should be able to serve, regardless of their sexual orientation.'
Fortunately, yours is the minority opinion.
'This really must be a man thing. Because I am so heterosexual, that there would be no tension at all if I had to be in close quarters with a lesbian. I like men and nothing she would do could affect my job performance.'
So hetero in fact that your man has his problem still.
'I don't embrace touchy feely nonsense. I just don't think sexual orientation has a bearing on job performance. Let me reiterate, that I think homosexuality is wrong. But so is fornication. Anyone ever been kicked out of the military for having sex outside of marriage?'
'Why do men get so angry about this subject?'
Because we aren't touchy-feely
'You sound a little angry. Its just my opinion and my opinion has no weight with military brass.'
Again with your implications, trolling again.
'Please, don't insult my husband because you disagree with me. I am only stating my opinion.'
And it is being repeated back to you in a logical progression. I think you are a troll.