Federal loans or guarantee programs to illegals should be, let me think..........
We might as well accept that those who are now here are going to stay. So let's get started integrating them into our society (schooling for the kids and all).
That's just the fact, not an expression of approval.
Where is anyone going to get the police manpower to locate and round up 1,000,000 illegal Chinese (total), and who is going to buy a million airline tickets for them to go back to China?
Where is anyone going to get the police manpower to locate and round up 5-10 million hispanics? And how many buses is it going to take to send them home, and who pays for 10 million bus tickets? Even if they were already lined up at the terminals, it would be next to impossible.
So politicians will get a lot of mileage out of being "indignant" about illegal immigration; but the place to stop illegals is AT THE BORDER. Once they're past that,
you can just throw up your hands and help them adjust--
"Welcome to our new citizens" (who, btw, for the most part,
will make very good ones)