So a 20 acre military facility can go, apparently undetected, for 60 years in peacetime France... yet, some people are absolutely certain that there's nothing left to find in rather more trying conditions in Iraq...
Do I really need to include < /sarcasm> ?
Quite true, and a visitor to France will also discover that a toilet quite commonly consists of a slab of concrete with two footprints on either side of a hole.
When I was there it appeared that steam-cleaning equipment was unknown, as evidenced by the disgusting level of dirt and filth all over famous buildings in Paris. The foul stench of the famous Paris sewers nearly overwhelmed the senses.
I suppose that if being 'civilized' means living like pigs, then the French are quite civilized indeed.
They will tell you they are the epitome of civilization. Snails, frogs and various fungi grace the table. >>>>>>>>>>>
Now wait jist a goldarned minit there, stranger, I happen to like them frog legs and mushrooms myself, although I admit I ain't et no snails yet.