Glenn is an acqired taste. His show is more cultural than political. The only time I'll turn him off is during "moron trivia". I just can't stomach anybody setting up situations for people to laugh at the "simple". That's just mean and wrong. And yes, I know it's no different than Jay Leno's "Man on the Street". I don't like that either.
OT - did west TN get as much rain last night as Mid TN? I may never get the water out of my garage!
Warren, it flat rained its arse off all day yesterday, and moved out late last night. I think we had over 2" of rain here (Millington, just north of Memphis).
I agree re: the Moron Trivia. That always made me squirm. Don't know how he pulls it off - its more along Howard Stern's taste. Glen definately is an acquired taste. A LOT of satire and sarcasm and that part I like. If you tend to take yourself too serious you wouldn't like his show. Having said all that... I just don't think I'll be able to give CNN my viewing time.