"I found this at http://www.apologeticsindex.org/news1/an010723-05.html.
Theologically, Mormonism is a cult of Christianity. It does not represent historical, biblical Christianity in any way. Based on fantasy, plagiarism, and outright heresy, Mormonism is not the ''restored church of Jesus Christ.'' For one thing, the Mormon ''Jesus'' is incompatible with the historial Jesus as portrayed in the Bible. Hence, Mormons can not legitimately claim to be Christians."
I almost Broke a bone falling of my chair. This is so funny. I laffed and laffed. Is this serious ?"
n 1543, Nicolaus Copernicus published a new theory stating the earth revolves around the sun. This is known as the Copernican theory. This theory was considered a serious challenge to the Ptolemaic theory and the Roman Catholic Church. Copernicus died before he could prove his theory.