"In my area of the country (large midwest city) this is not the case...."
Here in the Cleveland OH area, construction jobs are coveted because they usually pay so well and have good bennies, etc... I'm sure if you guys pay enough down there, you'll get the applicants. Whether you advertise the wage or not, everyone interested already has a good idea what the pay range in an area is.
"if all these immigrants hear is build a wall and throw them out, how do you think their legal relatives perceive the GOP?"
I guess that depends on the individual and his perception. I'm not asking the GOP to get into the gutter of racism, just to enforce the laws. If its presented as such, I maintain the legals won't mind.
"Our future geopolitically is tied more with the north and south than with the east or west.."
Could be, but given the current situation regarding Mexico's posture on illegals, how much worse could it get? So what if there was a revolution in Mexico? They're already fleeing as if there were.
"The RATS guarantee that this is a political issue."
Looks to me like Bush is doing the same. 'Matter of fact, I think he brings it up more than anyone else.
"The end result is in the eyes of immigrants we are a bunch of racists, so as they begin voting in increasing numbers who will they support."
As for the illegals, as long as we stop their influx and throw out the ones we can catch, they won't be voting here. I realize we differ on how legals might feel about this, but I suspect neither one of us is going to change the other's mind.
"BTW, do you think the wall will get approved by the senate?"
Like most things in gvt, it probably depends on the climate at the time the vote is taken (ie. recent events, etc...). But in general, I'd say no, we're not going to build a wall.