Do try to keep up professor, this is the sentence that makes no sense. Smug cynicism is an unattractive trait, even in children.
Your posture here ever demonstrates a contempt for the rich patrimony that is the very foundation of our civilization.
And you a teacher? Only in the pampered, self-indulgent cesspool that passes for "higher" education could such stupidity flourish.
No matter how you trick them out your lessons are poison. They add not one grain to our cultural heritage but rather they undermine it and, left unchallenged, will bring the entire ediface tumbling down.
Ultimately your philosophy, such as it appears, resembles nothing so much as marxism in its desire to rob men of their greatest wealth; their soul.
If you don't understand the sentence, ask someone whose first language is English to help you.
And you a teacher? Only in the pampered, self-indulgent cesspool that passes for "higher" education could such stupidity flourish.
Uh huh. I fully understand why someone whose stock-in-trade is abuse unanchored by substance despises education.
Ultimately your philosophy, such as it appears, resembles nothing so much as marxism in its desire to rob men of their greatest wealth; their soul.
How amusing that your greatest wealth is a dream. Not that I doubt the truth of what you say. I expect fictions are worth more than anything else in your life.