I have searched everywhere and I have not found ONE OTHER source that puts those words in Laura Bush's mouth.
The reason I put this post up is because this has GOT TO STOP -- and until we DEMAND that reporters BACK UP what they say, they'll just keep it up.
So I am going to call him out right now:
Chris Matthews, what's your 'source' on your quotes from Laura Bush????
Nagin is...like...so yesterday.
Chris Matthews...is...like so out of the loop.
In all seriousness (and without the silly teenager talk), the democratic party is trying desperately to find something, ANYTHING, to promote their message. Ain't happening and it's getting more desperate by the minute.
Little Chrissie just needs some "Miller Time"...
as in Zell Miller in a locked room...
MATTHEWS: I know. I've heard that before.
I'm sure he has..... I'm sure he has.
Great work. It needs to get to someone who will DEMAND that Chris publicly apologize on his show and correct his error.
If ignorance is bliss Chris Mathews is a blissfull man.
actually, it was pretty clever of Rove to get a researcher into the "hardball" show to provide Chrissy with what he wanted to hear so he could go out and make a fool of himself!
That idiot Chrissy thought that when Laura Bush said "He wants New Orleans to be rebuilt" she was talking about God, not Nagin. If Chrissy read an excerpt and thought that's what the First Lady said, the least he should have done is read the entire article to see who "he" was.
But I guess it was "too good a story to check out."
"What have I done?" said Christine:
`I've ruined my party's machine.
To lie in the nude
Is not very rude,
But to lie on TV is obscene.'
I REALLY think this is an important way to get a retraction, quickly. Supposedly the First Lady is interpreting Nagin's remarks... BUT it SOUNDS like SHE is saying God is MAD AT BLACKS.
It is all timed for appearances. ANYONE with a brain MUST remember that in the past few days, while giving these interviews on her trip to AFRICA, Laura Bush has spoken warmly about her friendship with Condoleeza Rice. We conservatives KNOW this is a genuine friendship between them and not just pandering to an audience. But the liberals are trying to paint innuendo into fact. Using their friendship to highlight racial differences.
Maybe Chris needs to be reminded of the fact that conservatives see a broader picture and do not pigeonhole people based on religion or race.
""He wants people who lived in New Orleans to come back," Mrs. Bush said."
No, my dear, he said, "He wants people who lived in New Orleans to come BLACK!
If Chris Matthews says something on Hardball, and nobody is tuned in to hear it, does he make a sound?
And Big Media wonders why they are losing viewers.
I'd love to hear their response. -good post-
Geeze Howlin, don't cyber-yell or post in big fonts to Christine. You'll make him wet his pants.
Apparently Christine's parents never told him that little boys can go to hell for lying just like they can for stealing.
I heard him say that as I was FForwarding through his ridiculous program! This person makes me SICK!
I will get video of this -- can someone please reply or mail me what time in the show he said this? Thanks.
Ok I got the video, am posting soon.