Inaccurate. In his preliminary EP issued after Antietam in 1862, Lincoln offered to exempt any state from its provision that returned to its allegiance by January 1, 1863. None did.
At the HRPC, Lincoln had only two absolute requirements, return to the Union and abolition of slavery. Anything else was negotiable. As these were also the Confederacy's non-negotiable issues, only in reverse, nothing was settled.
Moreover, at that conference, Lincoln and Seward attempted to persuade the confederate states to re-join the Union by reminding them that they could defeat the pending 13th Amendment that would have ended slavery in the amendment that was sure to pass unless the southern states re-joined the union.
I've read a number of accounts of this conference, but never heard of this. What's your source? It sounds like something Lincoln would have done much earlier in the war, but not in February of 1865.