Indeed mans doctrines and church theologies written of man do complicate matters considerably. Many only serve as the Lord stated to place burdens upon the backs that our forefathers could not carry and as a result failed.
Christ has asked so little of us in exchange for salvation and man demands so much to try & make it almost as impossible to abide in the word as it was for pre-Christ Israel judged under the law of Moses. Thousands perish daily by parents purposely ending conceived life before it's birth and this man is worrying about married couples not having kids by choice?
You should have heard him take after the Republicans and Democrats.
He has the right to worry, on just pragmatic grounds, about our "choices." The birthrate among "Euro-Americans" is not much higher than that of the Europeans. Our population is growing largely becuse of immigration and a higher bieth rate among immigrant families. Children are perceived as a"threat" to our standard of living.
To be total off topic, did you guys accept Him while in the military, or afterward? I had to go through some difficult times of my own making before I was ready for Him. I accepted about 7 years after I got out.