To: Steve_Seattle
Yeah, isn't it funny how the MSM just looks the other way when Republicans are electoral victims? No double standard here.
21 posted on
01/17/2006 12:10:28 PM PST by
To: kjo
The MSM and Republicans
Last week, the Seattle Times ran an editorial giving moderate praise to One Child Left Behind. There was NO mention of George Bush, whose idea it was. The same day, the Times' sports editor Steve Kelley wrote a piece on the [then] upcoming Seahawks-Redskins football game. This piece was nothing more than an excuse to drag in derogatory references to Bush, Cheney, Trent Lott, Kenneth Starr, Richard Nixon, and a few other Republicans whose names escape me right now. The column was an absolute piece of crap; Kelley is never, absolutely never, funny, especially when he tries to insert his asinine political commentary into his sports column. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson