Well the question was kind of stupid anyway so I didn't really feel like dignifying it with much of a response. Rape and murder are not definitions, religious or otherwise. They are crimes. They are crimes because they are against the law. They would be against the law in a theocracy or a country entirely devoid of religion because these are the types of things we all know to be wrong, regardless of our religion or lack thereof.
In Nazi Germany, Jews and Gypsys were fodder for a bright hunt and killing in the morning before breakfast by officials.
In Rome and most other places and times where slavery was widespread, rape of slaves was not a crime, and most killings of slaves were either not criminal or not prosecuted.
Murder and rape are constructions of social definiton, and without those defintions being informed be what in our modern times we cubbyhole as "religion" those defintions do become deadly and miserable for some out-of-favor classes of persons, such is the tale of History.