Religion is highly mystical by its nature, but also provides an extremely powerful morality, at least the Western and Eastern ones do one way or the other. The one in between seems to be coming up short in the morality department, although it is even more mystical. If Santayana is too simplistic and obvious and not mystical at all, nor particularly moralistic, a retreat to Swedenborgianism might satisfy. It was good enough for Johnny Appleseed and Helen Keller both.
I was raised by liberals, and I was decidedly un-mystical as a kid, then I took a detour into Jungian psychology at one point, as well as Kundalini Yoga, and finally just plain old hedonism, mingled with witchcraft and satanism. I followed the same pattern over and over- I would actually believe it, then reach the point where the logic broke down. Then I would lose faith and find something else.
Finally, in 1991 I encountered Jesus Himself. So far, the logic hasn't failed, and the mysticism has been *really* cool.