You appear to think two wrongs make a right. That multiculturalists have attacked education does not make it right for you to do so. Particularly when you enlist postmodernists to fight for you, as Thomas More enlisted Steve Fuller in Dover.
In fact, creationists haven't fought the cult of diversity; they've bought into it, trying to use the language of multiculturalism to claim their ideology should be taught also.
So I demand an answer from all of you Evo folks...has Christianity ruined the public schools over the past 40 years?...has its absence ruined the schools?
Pretty much neither. Christianity has been on the sidelines. Public schools aren't ruined, BTW; my kids have gotten a good education from them. But maybe if conservatives spent more time fighting for high standards and less time trying to sneak religion in through the back door, they could be stronger still.
I challenge your assertion that I've made two wrongs into a right. Christians have been challenging these other destructive trends in the schools all along. Not all have been involved with the pro or anti evolution debate.
What I'm challenging is the notion that Christians have a destructive influence on the public school systems as a isn't only evolution we're concerned about!
The schools have been ruined...perhaps your kids grew up in era where the destructiveness wasn't as advanced but I can tell you horror stories my kids are currently going thru. The teachers don't teach...but don't you dare utter a conservative sentiment. Need therapy concerning your confused gender status you can get it, but forget about getting help after class...the teachers just aren't available.
You read the I have to worry about my SONS as well as my daughters getting sexually molested by their teachers...private schools...that's a joke, 10's of thousands of dollars for the 4 of them. In the end, I'll teach them the important stuff myself!
As for religion being snuck thru the back door, religion in the schools was pretty much kicked out thru the front door 40 years ago.
As for the use of Multiculturalism to justify a say at the public education table, we've already figured out that the multiculturalists would hypocritically deny Christians a place "at the table". That's the expose the hypocrisy!