There are probably hundreds of thousands of fossils collected in museums all around the world. They are, each and every one of them, evidence of a living, and intelligent God.
A committee of intelligent people, can sometimes err, but a mindless process of mutation must err... alot.
Multiply, alot by billions of years and what you have is dozens, or even hundreds, or perhaps thousands of erroroneous mutations, for every single mutation which proves 'right' or successful.
They haven't found, not even one of these mutations gone wrong. And isn't that a shame for them? Because all they need is ONE erroneous mutation, and they could prove that a perfect God doesn't exist. Just one!
And on this failure to produce just one bad mutation, the whole 'theory of evolution' thing must be placed immediately in the trash bin of human society called 'silly ideas.'
You're kidding, right? Have you ever heard of Down Syndrome? Just one of the many mutuations that goes wrong, quite frequently, actually, and millions of people immense suffering every year.
Harmful mutations happen all the time in nature.
How about a weevil with perfectly formed wings under a fused wing cover?
Whales with legs?
Blind Salamanders with eyes that have retinas and lenses, yet the eyelids grow over the eyes?
See: Anatomical vestiges