Contrary to popular opinion, a lobotomy does not generally have the effects it is portrayed to have in the movies. Other types of psychosurgery could be devised, doubtless, that would do what you want.
I've never seen any of the fictional movies which have featured characters who'd supposedly had lobotomies. What I have seen is interviews with real people who were subjected to lobotomies to control their "immoral" behavior (some gay, some "promiscuous" heterosexuals -- which in some cases simply meant a young woman who chose to have sex while unmarried). It worked -- they were no longer interested in any kind of sex, nor did they have much drive to do anything. I'm not a neurologist, but "lobotomy" is a catch-all term for a general type of procedure, which can vary substantially in terms of scope and location. Needless to say, with modern technology and knowledge, outcomes such as Rosemary Kennedy got would be rare to non-existent.