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To: rlmorel

A lot of movie commercials are misleading. That's just how it is in marketing Hollywood. The goal is to get as many people into the theaters as possible. And no one, unless they've been living under a rock, is clueless about BBM's plot. I have to ask this, though, and if I get flamed, so be it. Why is portraying two gay men any more offensive than movies that show murders, rapes, adultry, etc? We seem to accept movies that involve other sins and vices, yet everyone is up in arms about two gay guys?.Are people upset because being gay is becoming mainstream? Adultry is mainstream (WAY before Bill Clinton, I might add) in the media, yet most people find it disgusting. It's the plot of many movies, tv shows, books, etc. Murder? Don't get me started. Half the tv shows and movies wouldn't exist without murder in the plot. Yet most of us aren't indoctrinated into the "murdering" lifestyle by watching a stupid movie.

If you don't like the movie, don't watch it.

51 posted on 01/07/2006 11:24:58 AM PST by coop71 (Being a redhead means never having to say you're sorry...)
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To: coop71

Rent was marketed to be an uplifting film.

61 posted on 01/07/2006 1:41:55 PM PST by AmishDude
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To: coop71; All

"...A lot of movie commercials are misleading..."

Yep. If you read the first line of my vanity, I said: "...Now, I know that previews often don't tell you much about a movie..."

You said: "...Why is portraying two gay men any more offensive than movies that show murders, rapes, adultry, etc?..."

I would say that, in general, murderers, rapists (and to a lesser degree) adulterers are not attempting to indoctrinate, inculcate and codify into law a certain type of behavior or market it as normal behavior to kids in school as young as kindergarten (Just ask David Parker in Lexington, Massachusetts, a few towns over from where I live, about this)

You said: "...Are people upset because being gay is becoming mainstream?..."

I would think people are upset at the push by certain influential people or groups to make a mainstream part of our culture what is considered by a majority of people to be abnormal, deviant behavior. And for the most part, the people offended by this are not prudes, don't give a damn what two people do in the privacy of their bedroom as long as they keep it to themselves. If you disagree that a majority of people feel that way, I base that statement on the nationwide ballot tallies in areas that had gay marriage legislation on ballot questions.

You also said: "...most of us aren't indoctrinated into the "murdering" lifestyle by watching a stupid movie..."

Agreed. I do not watch television for that particular reason that I think most of it is pretty stupid. Can you agree that by increasing the exposure to society of homosexuality in a positive way, making it more acceptable, "hip" and commonplace (ie. "Come on folks...Lincoln was gay...Churchill was gay...even the Marlboro Man and Cowboys are gay...) is quite different from showing violence or adultery in a movie?

On one hand, there is an agenda being pushed, on the other hand, people are trying to make money by appealing to the baser instincts of human beings. In the second group, they don't really care how people feel about violence or adultery, as long as they pony up their $9.00 for a movie ticket.

You also said "...If you don't like the movie, don't watch it..."

I couldn't agree with you more. I am curious why you would make a statement like that to me. Nowhere in my vanity did I make any reference to boycotting it or anything like that. The focus was more towards the agenda of the people pushing it and how they are deliberately deceptive.

64 posted on 01/07/2006 1:47:09 PM PST by rlmorel ("Innocence seldom utters outraged shrieks. Guilt does." Whittaker Chambers)
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