I think you are right - I believe homosexuality is a fetish rather than an orientation, consenting adults can do as they please, but the way the law is defining different kinds of sexual acts as 'orientations', it's undermining the act of normal sex, particulary between a loving couple.
However, I do have a problem with suggesting that homosexuality is a fetish. My understanding of a fetish is that it is an object or a nonsexual part of the body that creates sexual arousal. That may have an element of weirdness about it but is it necessarily a sin? If a man gets sexually turned on by looking at his wifes toes, is that sinful? Probably not but perhaps other types of fetish are a sin as it depends on some aspect of the application. Homosexuality is a sin through and through without question and completely. Scripture couldn'tt be clearer on the subject and I challenge anyone to find a scripture that even hints of homosexuality NOT being a sin. As for your comment about the law defining different kinds of sexual acts as 'orientations', I dont think that is the case at all. In fact, its the very fact that this ISNT done thats the problem. With all the noise ringing across the continent over the past zillion years about homo rights and same-sex marriage, have you ever heard homosexuality actually defined? What exactly is it? When you hear someone say they are a homosexual, ask them how they can prove it. Is it because they had a same-sex encounter once in their life? Because they thought about it once? What about someone who was once conducting sexual acts with a member of the same same sex but no longer does that or feels any desire to do so? I know what its NOT as I suggested in post 22 and if someone wants to argue with me, let them answer the questions posed there for a start. Ive got lots more.