"And, of course, keep treating teens like mindless hormones with feet utterly incapable of self-control."
Did I suggest that? I don't think so. I'd rather treat them like young people who can understand factual information and act on it.
Telling teens to just say "no" to sexual activity has not worked out all that well. Teens need real information about sexuality and the consequences of sexual activity.
Since some teens will engage in sexual activity, despite all of our wishes and attempts to get them not to do so, then information on how to prevent pregnancy and minimize the risks of STDs is also important information for them to have.
Since some teens will engage in gang activity, despite all of our wishes and attempts to get them not to do so,
Since some teens will engage in hate crimes, despite all of our wishes and attempts to get them not to do so,
Since some teens will engage in suicide, despite all of our wishes and attempts to get them not to do so,
Since some teens will engage in reckless driving, despite all of our wishes and attempts to get them not to do so,