Jessee has been shucking and jiving all his life.
It sure seems that way.
Then and now, Arafat struck me most in appearance and performance as an Arabian Jesse Jackson. Those of us who personally know the hypocritical Jackson would be obliged to report that he has created for himself a legend out of pure public relations. He was catapulted into the spotlight by calling a press conference at Chicago's O'Hare Airport after Martin Luther King's assassination. Jackson was wearing a bloodied shirt which he said was the splattered blood of the civil rights hero. Jackson said he was holding King's head as his life slipped away.The only problem with his story is that Jackson was nowhere around, according to people who were there, when Martin Luther King was shot. The man who cradled his head was the Reverend Ralph Abernathy not Jackson. People at the sight had no idea how he could have gotten a blood-splattered shirt, but this was before DNA samples could have been taken to dispute him. His own colleagues suggested it was probably chicken blood. Thus, he built his reputation out of a compound of lies and myths until it grew into a perception of the man who tried to live up to the image he had created for himself.
The Day Yasser Arafat Stole My Gas
By Jack Anderson
MLK would give Je$$e a swift kick in the a$$ if they should ever meet in the afterlife.