It is Freedom itself, which is the enemy of Russia. If a country wants to be an Independent state, then automatically it becomes an enemy of Russia. Poland is a good prove to it.===
Vox_PL let them be whatever free as anyone. It was Russia who initiated the split of USSR and gave freedom everyone in 1991.
But let them not betray your friends who sponsor you. Let them not steal gas from transit pipe which not belong to them like new "free" goverment of Yuschenko did today whole day. They stole today about 18% of transit gas.
15%, not 18%. EU has to increase the purchase of gas from Russia by 18% if Ukraine steals 15%. 18 is 15% of 118 :)
Yes. England is a quite civilized country. She was organized by the congenital Norman robbers, became prosperous by robbing Spanish transports from New World, and then made fortune by slave and drug trade (Opium War for example). English did not shrink from starving Irish in the name of free market (they invented this doctrine) or completely exterminating Tasmanian race in name of progress.