Man are you lucky. Not many people have the chance, or strength to shed clothing in a situation like that.
My foot slipped on a feed grinder auger shield once, and my foot ended up in the auger. It was my job to make sure the belt drive was tight. I thank God I hadn't done my duty, and the belt was very lose. Instead of losing my foot, or worse, I ended up with my foot just wedged between the auger and the feeder trough with the auger drive belt slipping. Sore foot, limped for a day or two, but that's it.
"Sore foot, limped for a day or two, but that's it."
Jeez, you are LUCKY!
I got a good one for you. I was leveling some land with a D2 dozer when a bank I was working on gave way. It flipped me out of the seat and I landed right over the track with one hand on the hood and the other hand on the hydraulic arm. I managed to push myself up and throw myself off to the side of the dozer while it was merrily putting off down the hill and out onto the street. I had to run up and use the hitch to jump into the seat and shut it down. I then got off and promptly threw up and fell down. I went home for the rest of the day.