To: Brilliant
I'd love to see the ACLU taken down a few notches but I didn't read anything in your post that would constitute a violation of their C-3 status...unfortunately.
The best way to attack them may be defunding them...look at their contributors, go after the corporations and foundations.
11 posted on
12/29/2005 9:32:16 AM PST by
Bob J
( conservative alternative to NPR!)
To: Bob J
We could pass a law denying them the tax exempt status. I don't think this guy was trying to argue in his petition that they don't qualify for tax exempt status. He's simply saying they should not be permitted to qualify for tax exempt status.
To: Bob J
Who are the ACLU's contributors?
Progressive Insurance Company?
Ford Motor Company?
Can someone please post an accurate BOYCOTT List of ACLU collaberators and enablers.
14 posted on
12/29/2005 9:39:00 AM PST by
(DEAN, KERRY & HERPES : The gifts that keep on giving & giving & giving)
To: Bob J
Any ideas who they are?
Please post if you do.
21 posted on
12/29/2005 11:06:11 AM PST by
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