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To: BigSkyFreeper
I think most people can see who is and isn't an "intellectual lightweight" in this conversation.

I've explained myself very clearly and politely. You're the one who appears quite confused and unable to express himself clearly.

You're arguing that the book of Genesis should be the second to last book of the Bible.

When did I say that? Narnia is not the Bible.

Once again, slowly...

Star Wars is a story. It is not presented chronologically.You stated "Star Wars is in the right order. [non-chronological]. I don't have an issue with that."

Narnia is also a story. It also was not written chronologically. Yet you seem to have a huge problem with the original, non-chronological order of Narnia, likening it to making the book of Genesis the second to last book of the Bible, whereas you have no similar argument regarding Star Wars.

Please explain your glaring inconsistencies and logical fallacies, if you can.

447 posted on 12/30/2005 10:37:41 PM PST by saquin
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To: saquin
When did I say that? Narnia is not the Bible.

Right. Narnia isn't the Bible, but if you've truly read the series, you will see many, many, MANY parallels between it and the Bible. But, of course, if you've never opened a Bible, you wouldn't notice these glaring similarities, but Narnia is still a good read, whether your a practicing Christian or not.

Like I've said, the Magician's Nephew is much like the Book of Genesis of the Bible, and The Last Battle is much like the Bible's Book of Revelations. Aslan the King in this story would be Jesus, The King of all, Lord of lords, in the Bible. Of course, toward the end of the movie, Aslan is sacrificed on an altar, much like the fact Jesus was sacrificed on the cross. Aslan sacrificed his life for his followers....., and so on, and so forth. Need I carry on?

I think most people can see who is and isn't an "intellectual lightweight" in this conversation.

Set, match, game.

448 posted on 12/30/2005 10:49:26 PM PST by BigSkyFreeper ("Tucker Carlson could reveal himself as a castrated, lesbian, rodeo clown ...wouldn't surprise me")
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