While sitting around one evening between football games one of my friends came up with a novel idea to solve the "term limits" dilemma. After 2 terms in office for Senators and 3 terms for Representatives, the candidate in question can continue to run for office, but his name can't be on the ballot. He/she can only run as a write-in candidate, the logic being that if the incumbent was such a success in the previous terms then his name should be well known positively by his constituents. If, on the other hand, his performance was so lackluster that the voters can't remember his name unless it's printed in front of them, then it's definitely time for a change.
This discussion didn't get too deep as the next ball game was just starting...
Here are 2 things I thing should be implemented:
#1) they could limit donations to only those who would actually be able to vote for/against the candidates (meaning in state donations)...
#2) a candidate would have had to have lived in that state a minimum of 5 years sometime in their adult life (that would have eliminated Hillary from getting elected in NY)...