For your interest.
A "religion" has opinions or worldviews on:
How life/universe began
How life/universe will end
Meaning or purpose to life
How we should act (ethics)
Is there a higher being/god
If there is a god, what is he like
What is the nature of man (good, bad, blank slate)
How we should relate to a higher being/god
I think that every person has opinions on these, even if it is to say that they don't know or don't care (that also reveals an underlying attitude on the subject). Everyone has a "religion." And I think theistic creation as well as strict naturalistic evolution has teachings or implications on these questions, and thus both are "religious."
The advantage of the secularist is that people usually don't recognize that the secularist beliefs are also "religious" (often because they deny it so vehemently, and because they don't worship in an organized way) and as a result, secularists are not constrained by the current interpretations of "separation of church and state." It's a nice little game that the secularists have going for themselves. They can promote their own "religious" beliefs, but censor Christians who hold opposing views.