You understand that this will be the result of this crazy "anti-torture" law that was foisted by John McCain. The capture rate will go way down and the dead terrorist count will go way up. Prisoners have become a real liability instead of an asset, so why try to get info when the only thing you can do is ask them please.
Terrorists ain't going to like McCains law IMO.
Well I guess every grey cloud really does have a silver lining. Dead Terrorists are good Terrorists. Let's make as many good terrorists as possible then.
Terrorists ain't going to like McCains law IMO.
I'm sorry, but you're sadly mistaken. Islamist terrorists (I know...redundant) are all about dying for their cause. Being captured is a greater ignominy than dying on the field of battle.
Terrorists are going to love McCain's sheer and uttery stupidity. They've now got a win-win. They can become martyrs, or they can be captured and still vex the "weak-willed minions of the Great Satan."