I'm all for splitting the 9th court, especially since it will probably mean adding more conservative judges. However, as long as the Rats can filibuster (something I'd be in favour of getting rid of)it's not going to happen. Why waste time doing something that won't pass? The republicans should be working overtime to fill the dozens of existing vacanies on the federal courts. One seat on the 9th circuit of appeals has been vacant for over six years!
Thank you, Free Dominoes. Your most enlightening line, "One seat on the 9th circuit of appeals has been vacant for over six years!" is proof positive that if President Bush wanted to appoint real conservatives, he has the opportunity.
Alas, he is a CFR member, Daddy Bush likes to entertain the Chief Perv (Bill Clinton, for newbies) socially, and while all this is going on, Communism Lite gains ground every day.
Bush was, and is, far better than the Goron, but that means little at this point if the Pubbies give away to the Democrats all the Communism Lite goals they want.