Those murdering bastards were never properly punished. Instead the supreme mastermind, Yasser Arafat (yimach shemo vezikhro!) became a hero to the world and got the Nobel Peace Prize, and more people who were in on it are around today running the "Palestinian Authority." Every one responsible for that disgusting atrocity should be killed regardless of how much time has passed or whatever shameful deals were made to let them walk.
As I said in a previous post, Jewish Leftists are pulling out the stops right now, for whatever reason. Spielberg is such a hypocritical bastard. He became a hero for documenting the Holocaust, and now he completely ignores the denial of that event in the Arab/moslem world and jumps in bed with Israel-hating homosexual Leftie Kushner.
If, G-d forbid, another great Holocaust were to occur in our day perpetrated by the Arab/moslem world and cheered by the Left, do you imagine he or any other Jewish liberal in Hollywood would make a documentary lamenting it?
Where's the star-struck, Hollywood-worshipping, Baptist-bashing Rabbi Marvin Hier while the president of Iran is denying the Holocaust? What's he doing, monitoring Billy Graham's e-mails???
I can't agree with your comments about Rabbi Hier.
The biggest problem with Israel's response to the Munich massacre was that it did not go nearly far enough against the terrorists. They should have set out to kill every Pali terrorist they could get at anywhere in the world, and not merely the ones who could be directly associated with Munich. Yes, I know they killed an innocent waiter in Norway, and that was a tragic mistake, but it is WAR and Israel should have set out to kill every last Pali terrorist.