You are in error.
Worship is not a meaningless ritual.
It is one of the means of grace, and if you fail to go to church, your spiritual benefit will suffer greatly. No, you do not go to hell for not going to church. But, it is not something to gloss over.
I am a historic Protestant, and I am not standing for this new, kissy-face Christianity in which any kind of demands on the Christian are ignored.
What is wrong with them having worship on Saturday night (Christmas Eve) instead of the morning??????
I don't get it.
Not for the Christian who views it as a way of life and not 45 minutes to an hour on Sundays.
As I stated before, worship both scripturally and historically had little to nothing to do with singing and sitting to hear a man preach. It does have to do with living a life that is pleasing to the Lord and doing everything as unto the Lord.
That, my friend, is worship according to Scripture.