Bush must be doing something right..........the Democrats feel the need to come IMMEDIATELY to the microphones!!!
It should be a really wild ride for the dem response.....they haven't had enough time to coordinate a party line yet...or have they?
"Shameful is a kinder, gentler term for Treason!
"the Democrats feel the need to come IMMEDIATELY to the microphones!!!"
For what .. to ask the President to define the word Victory again??
We should email this to the Dems
Main Entry: vic·to·ry
Pronunciation: 'vik-t(&-)rE
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -ries
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French victorie, from Latin victoria, from victor
1 : the overcoming of an enemy or antagonist
2 : achievement of mastery or success in a struggle or endeavor against odds or difficulties
Are you listening to Bob Graham on FNC? He says they didn't know that the admin. was going to avoid FISA. Lying through his teeth.
Rats taking the microphones in background.
Carl Levin: The key question is whether Iraqi election will bring a healing in the country or produce further divisions and civil war. The key to that is whether the Iraqis amend their constitution and make it unified rather than divisive.
This constitution as it now stands, is divisive.
Ack. I cannot listen.
Yes, that sound you hear coming from DC is the "Demo-Whine"--and boy, is it LOUD!
Excellent speech last night, and excellent press conference today. Keep up the offense, Mr. President! ;-D
WOOOO HOOOO! Hate to miss this- back at my desk though...will read thread to keep up:) Thanks!
He is laying it out finally for the nation to see. He should have explained what Clinton had done with Echelon.