I hear you, and I know there are good Canadians. I fear, though, that there are not enough.
It's too bad, because Canada is a great place, and I love the Canadian people (one of my grandfathers was Canadian). I keep getting the feeling, though, that many or most don't much care for Americans, especially post-9/11.
I admire your patience, but aren't you getting a little tired
of having to tell the Americans that not ALL Canadians dislike Americans
In fact poll after poll shows that the majority of Canadians Like America and
Americans see Pew poll below).
These Canada bashers don't want us to like them, even when we have a Conservatve Gov't
They don't want a friend, neighbour and partner, they would only "like" us if we acted like a suck-up, lap dog.
So tell them what they want to hear - that yah, ALL Canadians hate ALL Americans.