we have to face some issues here:
- the white house has been on defense on this whole "torture" issue since day one - and in politics, when you are on defense, you are losing. they allowed the media to define "torture" as anything but Ritz Carlton level accomodations for terrorists. McCain wants only one thing - to be president - he doesn't care about anything else. he sees the political wind on this, that the sheeple whose votes he needs have been duped into believing every US military and CIA agent is routinely torturing people, so he makes his move. there is no one to the right of him on this, George Allen voted for this bill also, so he doesn't even fear this as an issue in the primaries.
McCain has nothing to lose here, that's his political calculation.
Yeah but I want a real President. 3 more years of Mr. Softie and I will go insane. We have the Presidency now and both houses. Whats that done for me? Donut hole.