I think the pendelum has swung and the worm has turned. Time will tell. The system (or lack of it) as it is now is not working. It amounts to little more than invasion. Employers have no incentive to check on a workers credentials and therefore have no incentive to make the field level for American citizens. Congress is wise and want to keep their jobs. Listen to C-span now. They are running scared.
I'm cool with all of this, but demographics are more powerful than pretty much anything.
We do not have anywhere near enough working age Americans. The baby boom generation cannot go out and work doing heavy lifting and landscaping and construction. They just can't because they have grown old.
I don't care what is done to address all of this. Whatever it is make sure it provides enough working age people to do work that has to be done and that this is accomplished without paying for airfare.
If we borrow workers they should leave their families home. We will not have to medicate, feed and educate them if that condition is met. It would also encourage their return home. The employer that brings in temporary workers should be fully responsible for their sustanance and medical responsibilities. Take that off of the tax-payers back. An employer caught hiring illegals under the table loses all right to import workers for at least five years. Violation to be a felony. Just a few maybes.