So, Congress can ignore their constitutional duty and pass the authority to declare war to someone else? That's like saying they can pass a law making someone king and calling it "constitutional."
It's called the "War Powers Act" dilbert
It's really not a hard concept to wrap your arms around.
What part of Comander in Cheif do you need explained to you? Perhaps it is the "authorization of force" or the "violation of 1991 Gulf War Armeistence" that so confuses the psuedo Conservatives. But that's right, don't bother you with facts, you are too busy being paranoid about your own Goverment to deal with reality right?
False assumption on your part not backed up by facts. There is NOTHING in the Constitution that describes how the Congress "Declares War". You contention that Congress did NOT authorize the use of force in Iraq is so childishly absurd as to indicate you are NOT interested in serious discussion of the facts. You may wander back to DU now. No one will take your absurd inability to grasp the fundamental legal lines of authority on Iraq seriously here.