142. Ethical delegitimization applies to all forms of direct abortion, since it is an intrinsically blameworthy act. The use of substances or means which impede the implantation of the fertilized embryo or which cause its premature detachment is also an act of abortion. A doctor who would knowingly prescribe or apply such substances or means would cooperate in the abortion.
If the abortion follows as a foreseen but not intended or willed but merely tolerated consequence of a therapeutic act essential for the mother's health, this is morally legitimate. The abortion in this case is the indirect result of an act which is not in itself abortive.[273]
273. CF Pius XII To "Face of the Family" and the "Associations of Large Families, Nov. 27, 1951, in AAS 43 (1951) p. 859.
This woman gives me hope for society even though she did somethings I don't agree with. She went against the me me me attitude of today. I think I would do the samething in her situation. It is easy to say you would but until you are in the situation...