"But you would personally "execute" (in self defense, but execute nonetheless) someone before he committed murder. How do you know for sure he was going to murder your child? He may have had no real intention to do it, so you would have killed a man who was only there to rob you. You would not allow the state to do it after he committed murder. It is infinitely worse after he committed the act. Why do you think you deserve the power of God but the state doesn't deserve it?"
WE aren't taking God's place by imposing the death penalty. He's told us that we are to get rid of these vermin in Genesis 9:6
"If you shed the blood of man, by man shall your blood be shed. For in the image of God did God make man."
I would also feel horrible if I had to take a life. Yes, it would be your responsibility, but nevertheless, you have the power but would not give it to 40 million citizens in California collectively. That is what I don't get. You have the power but deny it to others, even after a murder is committed. At least we, as the state, are putting to death a murderer. You would feel badly, but you still put to death someone before he did physical harm. There is the paradox. It's okay for you to determine time, method, and circumstances, but not for the state.
Mineral Man.....you get off easy....you will never know if you made a mistake and therefore will never feel terrible about making the mistake.