A couple of years ago, the illegal's contribution to Social Security was about $6 billion per year. It is probably somewhat higher now since President Bush has allowed a few more millions to come.
But, the cost of illegal immigration to the taxpayers in California, net of their meager tax contribution, is $10 billion per year. In Texas and Florida it is a net of about $3.5 billion each. In Arizona it is a little over $1 billion. I don't have figures in my head for New York, Massachussets, Illinois, Connecticut, the Carolinas, New Mexico, Nevada, Georgia, Missouri, Colorado, Missisippi and some others that also have huge illegal immigration problems. Illegal immigration is a massive loss for taxpayers.
Don't misunderstand me. I am against any amnesty plan no matter what Bush callse it. I a also against this totalization plan that only rewards illegals for life with tax dollars that my children are going to have to pay.
We are soon coming to a crossroads in this country where the honest, hard working average American is going to say "enough". I hope it's not violent but if it is the only people to blame are those that have allowed millions of illegals to tarnish the true meaning of American sovereignty and citizenship.