If Scalia is anything like Roberts, Sociocrat and RINO Senators are going to start wearing AlQuida bomb-vests to the Chamber when he comes up for nomination.
Of course "Teddy" may not need one; all he has to do is cut a rank one and light it off behind the podium.
Famous last words from the Senior Balloon from Maaahsachuusetts;
"AaaahLAAAaaaaah - AAAAAhhchbaaaaaah!!!"
(**PPPPPFFFXFPTZZZPX** - *flickabic* - ****FA-BLOOIE!!!****)
Oy; it won't be pretty! {B^{P~
Seriesly tho; "Frantic desperation" on the left may be an understatement.
...and this could be hugh! :)