Wow, you're another firebrand, aren't you. Wouldn't it be better to demonstrate a bit of willingness to work with the other Americans?
Are you serious? Have you actually listened to these people mouthing off while we are at war? Do you know what 'aid and comfort to the enemy' means when we are at war?
You sound like the Dems that think that we can be nice to the terrorists and they will be nice in return.
You can't work with, negotiate with, or compromise with an enemy that wants you dead. (Look at Israel and their war with the so called Palestinians. The Palestinians want Israel destroyed and the Jews dead. Where is the compromise position?)
The Dems just don't want to defeat us, they want to destroy us, our freedoms, and the country. What deal do we work out with them, that we let them kill half of us or take half our freedoms?
These people are intent on taking our freedom, make no mistake about it. That changes them from being a political opponent to being an enemy. Our government is charged with guarding our freedom. When they turn to usurping it instead, they are no longer a legitimate government and we have a right and a duty to change the form and makeup of that goverenment.
I refer you to the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution for more details on the legitimate role and powers of government and the rights of we the people.