As has been told to you several time on these threads, the tax inclusive rate is how income taxes are compared at different levels (tax brackets for federal and state income taxes), thus is the reason for using tax inclusive (23%) to compare the FairTax to the income tax. And, it has also been told to you several times that many and perhaps most sales tags will exclude the tax and leave the calculation up to the consumer who will use the tax exclusive rate (30%). As I said, you already know all of this. Yet you refuse to acknowledge the usefulness and utility of the 23% inclusive rate.
Yet you refuse to acknowledge the usefulness and utility of the 23% inclusive rate.The inclusive rate for sales is not useful to the consumer/taxpayer, it's deceitful...period.
Zon (Honesty outlives the lie, spin and deception -- It always has -- It always will.)You're a fraud.
"refuse to acknowledge the usefulness and utility of the 23% inclusive rate"
what the heck.
anyways, it doesn't take too much common sense/logic/math to figure out that if you stop taxing corporation and shift the entire burden on to consumers (of which the middle and lower income consumers generally spend almost all of their income) that the overall tax burden on individual will go up.
the only hope that it won't lies in (a) rich people spending more of their money than they would have paid taxes on whatever income they have, (b) employers of the not so rich passing on the hidden tax savings so people will be able to spend even more money, and (c) the expected economic boom from expanding businesses.
bottom line is the gov needs X number of dollars to operate. right now that X comes from mostly the rich, some from corporations, and bits here and there from a variety of places. under fairtax the entire X is placed on the shoulders of consumers. fair? maybe, maybe not. that's all.
i'm all for cleaning up the tax system. eliminating the irs sounds great. but to say it would be fair is questionable. it most definitely shifts the burden away from the wealth holders. (i hate how liberal i'm sounding writing this but i can't get away from the math.)