Once again Noah's Flood has a head-on collision with reality and loses...
The FASTEST the oceans have risen since the last ice age was a rate of about 1.5 inches per year for a short time about 14,200 years ago.
I think the average person doesn't really need to "escape" a 1.5 inch rise in sea level :-)
Ich bin Native American. Some of my ancestors, by the way, were the Folger's, Macy's, Starbuck's, Coffin's, etc. In that, I'm one of thousands--if not hundreds of thousands.
**The FASTEST the oceans have risen since the last ice age was a rate of about 1.5 inches per year for a short time about 14,200 years ago.**
Thanks for your first person account. Me, I'm only 51 yrs old. :D
How many times has the scientific community had to 'revise' the their 'findings' and do a 180. Let us count the ways.
Well, not now, I don't a few weeks vacation to rattle them all off. ;-)