To: wagglebee
Wow, I'm convinced.
4 posted on
12/03/2005 4:05:02 PM PST by
To: Plutarch
8 posted on
12/03/2005 4:07:36 PM PST by
(If the political indictment's from Fitz, the jury always acquits.)
To: Plutarch
I hope they find the plaque on the side that says it was built by ancient astronauts as a guidance system for landing their spacecraft. Heh!
11 posted on
12/03/2005 4:11:38 PM PST by
To: Plutarch
Mohammedan scholars will conclude that this is definitive evidence that the original inhabitants of Bosnia (as everywhere else) were mohammedans.
42 posted on
12/03/2005 10:35:20 PM PST by
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